Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Cot

So we were given a cot by some friends that have had their 4 kids and aren't having any more ( we think!). And I was against putting it in the garage as it's too nice and even wrapped in protective plastic I'm concerned it will get wrecked.

So I managed to erect it tonight and was planning to put it in the spare room and hubby said it was 'weird'......

I understand it's slightly weird as we're not even pregnant yet (that we know of but definitely doubt it!) but I see it as a symbol of hope and optimism that I need right now. this wrong?

Friday, March 12, 2010

TTC - Trying to Conceive

So after a year of talking we have finally decided to try and get pregnant. Sound easy? not so with my history. With a provincial diagnosis of PCOS in 2007 we didn't try and treat the infertility side as I wasn't trying to get pregnant nor was I thinking about it in the next couple of years.

We regulated my periods and over 2 years ago I came off the pill - Loette and was getting irregualr 3 monthly periods which only recently (6 months - 1 year) became regular again.

My general naivety led me to believe that if I was menstruating regularly I was also ovulating regularly - apprently not so. Did my reasearch and found a symptom of PCOS was irregular, infrequent or absent ovulation.

I was shattered - wondering now if I had left it too late. Now I'm doing the 'what ifs' and have now come to some sort of conclusion that while I was on Loette (early 18s 19s to 20s) this may have damaged my capabilities of ovulating as it basically blocks ovulation and is as they say a 'combined pill'.

So we are only in the first month or so of trying naturally but I am so impatient and am tryingto stay positive whilst deep down thinking that we may have to go down the path of fertility treatment - clomid, ovarian driling etc.

But here's hoping that there's some life in the old duck yet......because this is all doing my head in!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Winter Purchases

Witchery Pleat Shoulder Open cardi - almond and black

Witchery Pleat Bow Ballet Flat Soapstone

Witchery Pleat Bow Ballet Flat Mocha

Witchery Pleat Bow Ballet Flat Tan

Witchery Pleat Bow Ballet Flat Black

Witchery Patent Bow Flats Cosmetic (nude pink)

Gosh Celebrity Fashion Twin set embroidered Cardigans

ANISE wrapped in Love Skirt

Children of the Sun top from ALIBI

KURT GEIGER heels, black teal and coral from the UK

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