Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Cat....And The Nursery - a Neverending Love Affair

The cat has had this obsession with getting in everything meant for baby. This includes - the portable basinette, the prams (both of them) the change table, the cot, the bouncing basinette, the rocking basinette, the nappy bag et al...............also killing soft plush toys...namely a lamb, a giraffe and a bear.

I keep being told by various people that this is the cat's way of asserting dominance over the new (yet to be born) baby...I'm like how can that be?? she hasn't even seen a baby before....she knows somethings up with me, and she's been kicked off my belly a few times by the bubba but other than that she has no knowledge of what is about to assault her senses :)

I think it's part of the old adage: 'my cat likes to hide in boxes'.....she just likes to get in things - and she likes soft toys.....

So whenever she's awfully quiet and I realise I haven't seen her for a while I have this sense of dread wash over me........

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